Shubha Swamy
Software Engineer
Work Experience
Tackling data governance on the Enterprise Data Machine Learning team to protect Petabytes of consumer data.
Skills [Data Engineering]: AWS, Spark, Python, Scala
Worked with distributed systems at scale impacting millions of users. Designed and built cost and performance optimization improvements for Authorization services. Contributed to new features to build a safer and more-reliable Twitter.
Improved developer productivity by building tool to automate and track deployments made to AWS Serverless services.
Improved Twitterʼs latency for millions of users with edge cloud computing infrastructure.
Held weekly office hours to review problem sets, and conducted exam review sessions for Algorithms and Software Development Methods and Tools.
Improved developer customer's experience with API documentation, technical blog content for developer products, and prototyped new product integrations with Twilio and IBM Watson.
Technical and professional development for computer science majors to land, prepare for, and excel in software engineering positions.
Served as a cohort leader and led weekly team discussions for course on Ethics, Public Policy, and Tech for professionals.
Led technical volunteering for government and non-profit projects. Staffed on the Tools and Operations team to provide technical support for the organization.
Served as a TA for Stanfordʼs introductory coding class. Present weekly lectures to cohort, lead team programming exercises, and address studentsʼ questions in office hours.
Mentored college-aged individuals to pursue technical careers. Gave weekly lectures and answered questions for technical interview prepping course.
Provided data analytics support to down-ballot progressive Democratic campaigns in the 2020 cycle. Used data science to provide campaigns with tailored analyses and insight to increase voter engagement and outreach in their local communities.
1 of 2 students nominated to the board, to offer guidance to the computer science department to advance technology programs and initiatives on campus.
Led schoolʼs annual hackathon (700+ attendees from across the world & largest in region) and organize campus events to support the local community. Raised $200k+ 2017-2019 from sponsors, managed a team of 20+ students, directed event logistics, and created marketing strategies to increase participation.
Organized, formed partnerships, and managed a team of 12 for Spectra, an all-womenʼs hackathon in the Bay Area which has impacted 500+ people.
Relevant Coursework: Algorithms, Operating Systems, Intro. to Artificial Intelligence, Principles of Programming Languages, Big Data Architecture, Datacenter Scale Computing, Natural Language Processing, Cognitive Science, Applied Econometrics, Urban Economics, Linear Algebra
Senior Thesis: "Using Language Models to Quantify Gender Bias in Recent American Election Journalism"
Awards: BOLD Scholar, Wozniak Scholarship, Qualcomm Grace Hopper Celebration Scholarship, Global Citizenship by Kleiner Perkins
Related Activities: Rewriting the Code Fellow, Aspirations in Computing Fellow at NCWIT, Microsoft Student Partner, Twilio Champions, Clarifai Captains, CU Women in Computing